Levent Mercan (Yük.Müh.)

“My purpose in life is to create environments where Human and Nature are in harmony by creating an impact for innovative developments, working with faith, perseverance and determination until reaching the result….”


Levent Mercan (Dipl.-lng) & Dr.Benno Brachthaeuser

Our aim, waste management and sustainable energy systems is specialized in Turkish / German engineers, technicians and small consisting of economists, but as a dynamic group, Germany and Turkey also gained technological knowledge, advantage to make maximum use of local and natural resources and the possibilities of experience, environment and society To develop and implement sustainable projects in order to achieve the best economic results for the benefit of them.


Waste management in both industry and local administrations has been carried out for many years in a way that harms the environment and nature, and the use of energy has been carried out with too much losses and inefficiently.

The amount of the bio-organic waste skilled in the daily amounts of waste management in Turkey local average of the total waste is about 33% (1/3).

However, these wastes are local and local resources and should be recycled to local needs again ..! In recent years, many entrepreneurial visionary local governments have seen this reality and have started to develop and implement appropriate recycling projects.

A similar situation is observed in the food and chemical industry. Very significant amounts of organic wastes offer a high potential as a source of recyclability.


With the “ZERO WASTE” law, which entered into force in 2018, solutions have been sought for these problems that have turned into fire today. With this law, our pioneering work that we started 30 years ago in this field was confirmed and started to gain momentum.
  • Denizli integrated solid waste management project: 1995-1999
  • Urla-Mordoğan-Karaburun municipalities joint solid waste management project: 2004-2005
  • Urla Bio-organic recycling project: 2007-2016
For local governments, freelancers and investors, the future offers remarkable opportunities in this area. At this point, we offer our services with an expertise with a credible, reliable, solid domestic / international project experience.


    • Bovine and Ovine breeding enterprises, canning factories, planning, designing and implementation of electricity, thermal energy and fertilizer production facilities from biological / organic wastes that cause disposal problems in the food and chemical industry, wet manure drying systems, etc. services,
    • “Waste management and recycling projects” in accordance with the “ZERO WASTE” law of local governments “Electricity, heat, organic fertilizer, biomethane (natural gas) planning, projecting, financing models development and implementation services
    • Rehabilitation of old and closed landfills, measurement of gas emission emissions, determination of energy conversion potential and electricity and heat generation facilities from landfill gas,
    • Reinstatement (rehabilitation) services for soils that have been contaminated due to the use of wrong and too much synthetic fertilizers and lost their productivity (locked).…
    • Rainwater collection, storage, filtration and reuse concepts and systems.
  • Sustainable projects with balanced economic, ecological and social benefits…
I am the best. I was saying this before I saw it with my eyes. Don’t tell me you can’t do this job. Do not explain that it is impossible. Don’t say I’m not the best. I’m the best of the best.

Muhammed Ali

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